Learn German
Fruit - Obst
vegetable - Gemüse
Deutsch anfänger Vokabeln
Time - Zeit
Körper - Body
Weather / Das Wetter
Colors / Die Farben
Family / Die Familie
Shopping / Einkauf
Health / Gesundheit
Occupations / Berufe
Food / Essen
Leisure / Freizeit
Feelings / Gefühle
Office / Büro
People / Menschen
Beverages / Getränke
Traffic / Verkehr
Wortschatz A1 - B1
Sea Animals
Body parts
Hand & foot
Time & Date
health basics
pharmacy | die apotheke
injury | die verletzung
the basics
about you
family and friends
work | arbeit
time | die uhrzeit
days, months, and seasons
weather | das wetter
transport | verkehrsmitte
the basics | das wesentli
car | mit dem auto
driving | das fahren
probleme mit dem auto
bus | mit dem bus
bicycle | mit dem fahrrad
motorbike | mit dem motor
rail travel | mit dem zug
air travel | mit dem flug
ferry and boat travel
in the home | im haus
the basics | das wesentli
the house | das haus
the kitchen | die küche
the lounge | das wohnzimm
the entrance | der eingan
the dining room
the bedroom | das schlafz
the bathroom | das bad
the garden | der garten
housework | die hausarbei
the basics | das wesentli
supermarket | der superma
market | der markt
fishmonger’s | das fischg
butcher’s | die metzgerei
bakery and patisserie
eggs and dairy products
cheese | der käse
baby goods | für das baby
newsagent | der zeitungsl
department store | das ka
clothing and footwear
diy store | der baumarkt
other shops | andere läde
the basics | das wesentli
breakfast | das frühstück
main meals
eating out | auswärts ess
fast food | das fastfood
education | die bildung
the office | im büro
the bank | auf der bank
the post office | auf der
in town | in der stadt
the basics | das wesentli
sightseeing | besichtigun
evenings out | ausgehen
hotel | im hotel
camping | campen
the beach | am strand
music | musik
photography | fotografie
games | spiele
arts and crafts
the basics
wellbeing | fitness
football | fußball
ice hockey | eishockey
basketball | basketball
racket sports
water sports | wasserspor
winter sports | winterspo
combat sports
athletics | athletik
golf | golf
other sports
illness | die krankheit
the doctor’s surgery
the dentist’s surgery
the optician’s
the hospital
alternative therapies
the vet | beim tierarzt
the basics
flowers, plants, and tree
land, sea, and sky
the basics
high days and holidays
christmas and new year
carnival | karneval
Health Basic
Learn Dutch
Test your Dutch
Vegetables in Dutch
Animals in Dutch
Fruit in Dutch
Human Body in Dutch
Weather in Dutch
Job & Occupation
Clothes in Dutch
Time in Dutch
Transport in Dutch
House in Dutch
Food in Dutch
days months & seasons
Shopping in Dutch
Celebrations in Dutch
Education in Dutch
Hobbies in Dutch
Health in Dutch
Sport in Dutch
feelings & emotions
Birds in Dutch
Family in Dutch
Interrogatives in Dutch
Learn French
Test your French
Vegetables in French
Animals in French
Fruit in French
Human Body in French
Weather in French
Job & Occupation
Clothes in French
Time in French
Transport in French
House in French
Food in French
days months & seasons
Shopping in French
Celebrations in French
Education in French
Hobbies in French
Health in French
Sport in French
feelings & emotions
Birds in French
Family in French
Learn Italian
Vegetables in ITALIAN
Animals in ITALIAN
Fruit in ITALIAN
Human Body in ITALIAN
Weather in ITALIAN
Job & Occupation
Clothes in ITALIAN
Transport in ITALIAN
House in ITALIAN
days months & seasons
Shopping in ITALIAN
Celebrations in ITALIAN
Education in ITALIAN
Hobbies in ITALIAN
Health in ITALIAN
Sport in ITALIAN
feelings & emotions
Birds in ITALIAN
Family in ITALIAN
Learn Spanish
Test your Spanish
Vegetables in Spanish
Animals in Spanish
Fruit in Spanish
Human Body in Spanish
Weather in Spanish
Job & Occupation
Clothes in Spanish
Time in Spanish
Transport in Spanish
House in Spanish
Food in Spanish
days months & seasons
Shopping in Spanish
Celebrations in Spanish
Education in Spanish
Hobbies in Spanish
Health in Spanish
Sport in Spanish
feelings & emotions
Birds in Spanish
Family in Spanish
Learn German
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Learn German
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Take the Quizz
Fruit - Obst
Take the Quizz
vegetable - Gemüse
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Deutsch anfänger Vokabeln
Take the Quizz
Time - Zeit
Take the Quizz
Körper - Body
Take the Quizz
Weather / Das Wetter
Take the Quizz
Colors / Die Farben
Take the Quizz
Family / Die Familie
Take the Quizz
Shopping / Einkauf
Take the Quizz
Health / Gesundheit
Take the Quizz
Occupations / Berufe
Take the Quizz
Food / Essen
Take the Quizz
Leisure / Freizeit
Take the Quizz
Feelings / Gefühle
Take the Quizz
Office / Büro
Take the Quizz
People / Menschen
Take the Quizz
Beverages / Getränke
Take the Quizz
Traffic / Verkehr
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Wortschatz A1 - B1
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Sea Animals
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Body parts
Take the Quizz
Hand & foot
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Time & Date
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
health basics
Take the Quizz
pharmacy | die apotheke
Take the Quizz
injury | die verletzung
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
the basics
Take the Quizz
about you
Take the Quizz
family and friends
Take the Quizz
work | arbeit
Take the Quizz
time | die uhrzeit
Take the Quizz
days, months, and seasons
Take the Quizz
weather | das wetter
Take the Quizz
transport | verkehrsmitte
Take the Quizz
the basics | das wesentli
Take the Quizz
car | mit dem auto
Take the Quizz
driving | das fahren
Take the Quizz
probleme mit dem auto
Take the Quizz
bus | mit dem bus
Take the Quizz
bicycle | mit dem fahrrad
Take the Quizz
motorbike | mit dem motor
Take the Quizz
rail travel | mit dem zug
Take the Quizz
air travel | mit dem flug
Take the Quizz
ferry and boat travel
Take the Quizz
in the home | im haus
Take the Quizz
the basics | das wesentli
Take the Quizz
the house | das haus
Take the Quizz
the kitchen | die küche
Take the Quizz
the lounge | das wohnzimm
Take the Quizz
the entrance | der eingan
Take the Quizz
the dining room
Take the Quizz
the bedroom | das schlafz
Take the Quizz
the bathroom | das bad
Take the Quizz
the garden | der garten
Take the Quizz
housework | die hausarbei
Take the Quizz
the basics | das wesentli
Take the Quizz
supermarket | der superma
Take the Quizz
market | der markt
Take the Quizz
fishmonger’s | das fischg
Take the Quizz
butcher’s | die metzgerei
Take the Quizz
bakery and patisserie
Take the Quizz
eggs and dairy products
Take the Quizz
cheese | der käse
Take the Quizz
baby goods | für das baby
Take the Quizz
newsagent | der zeitungsl
Take the Quizz
department store | das ka
Take the Quizz
clothing and footwear
Take the Quizz
diy store | der baumarkt
Take the Quizz
other shops | andere läde
Take the Quizz
the basics | das wesentli
Take the Quizz
breakfast | das frühstück
Take the Quizz
main meals
Take the Quizz
eating out | auswärts ess
Take the Quizz
fast food | das fastfood
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
education | die bildung
Take the Quizz
the office | im büro
Take the Quizz
the bank | auf der bank
Take the Quizz
the post office | auf der
Take the Quizz
in town | in der stadt
Take the Quizz
the basics | das wesentli
Take the Quizz
sightseeing | besichtigun
Take the Quizz
evenings out | ausgehen
Take the Quizz
hotel | im hotel
Take the Quizz
camping | campen
Take the Quizz
the beach | am strand
Take the Quizz
music | musik
Take the Quizz
photography | fotografie
Take the Quizz
games | spiele
Take the Quizz
arts and crafts
Take the Quizz
the basics
Take the Quizz
wellbeing | fitness
Take the Quizz
football | fußball
Take the Quizz
ice hockey | eishockey
Take the Quizz
basketball | basketball
Take the Quizz
racket sports
Take the Quizz
water sports | wasserspor
Take the Quizz
winter sports | winterspo
Take the Quizz
combat sports
Take the Quizz
athletics | athletik
Take the Quizz
golf | golf
Take the Quizz
other sports
Take the Quizz
illness | die krankheit
Take the Quizz
the doctor’s surgery
Take the Quizz
the dentist’s surgery
Take the Quizz
the optician’s
Take the Quizz
the hospital
Take the Quizz
Take the Quizz
alternative therapies
Take the Quizz
the vet | beim tierarzt
Take the Quizz
the basics
Take the Quizz
flowers, plants, and tree
Take the Quizz
land, sea, and sky
Take the Quizz
the basics
Take the Quizz
high days and holidays
Take the Quizz
christmas and new year
Take the Quizz
carnival | karneval
Take the Quizz
Health Basic
Take the Quizz